The Eating For Energy program by Yuri Elkaim is really a weight loss program that's focused on raw food eating. While there have been many great advances in medicine in past decades, the Civilized world has become submerged in various diseases due to environmental problems and bad food.

Eating for energy review

This has led many people to look for ways to eat more clean food to be able to improve their health. The fact that you may also lose weight while becoming healthier is just an added benefit. Yuri Elkaim's Eating For Energy program is one of the leading raw food weight reduction and wellbeing plans these days and for good reason. It is extensive, well crafted, comprehensive, and shows the best way to use raw food eating to attain various goals from weight loss, increased energy, alleviation of certain illnesses, and improved health and wellbeing.

However, this program is not perfect and it is not right for everyone. Do you know the pros and cons of the Eating For Energy program?


 Reviews of Eating For Energy are overall positive and encouraging

 Yuri Elkaim is called an expert in nutrition and exercise

 The program is extensive and detailed

 You can enjoy yourself by getting 20% of your calories from "fattening" foods so the diet is not too restrictive

 It includes a money back guarantee so your purchase is protected

 Raw food eating is known to help you cleanse your body and to eat more naturally

 The program is well researched

 Has many recipes which you can use to create tasty and healthy meals

 Includes a workout section for increased fitness and vitality


 Going on a raw food diet like the Eating For Energy program requires a major lifestyle transition individuals so you need to be prepared for it.

 Not suitable for meat eaters. This is a vegan plan so no meat is allowed.

 Sometimes, this program tends to be a little bit over-detailed. There is no need for such lengthy explanations in my opinion

Overall, the Eating For Energy program is a superb resource for those who wish to start to eat cleaner food that is less filled with chemicals and preservatives and to do it the right way. What I like relating to this program is how you can use it to not only lose weight but improve your sport performance as well. This makes Eating For Energy a course that every person can use.

Eating for energy review